Our Statues bring out the best in our art!
Visit our online shop today: https://www.africarve.co.za/statues/
Hand Carved Wooden Creations!
Our beautifully designed solid wooden doors are manufactured in KZN and distributed World Wide! Order yours on https://www.africarve.co.za/
Beautiful, Religious Hand Carved stylish furnishings for New Year
Visit www.africarve.co.za to view some of our previous carvings!
Get your own design!
Precision and excellence is carved into all of our wooden creations! Visit https://www.africarve.co.za to request a quote today.
Carved to your style…
Your Style of Wooden Doors, Tables and more is our aim to add perfection and style to your home. Visit www.africarve.co.za to place your next order!
A beautiful Christmas hand carved addition to your home or office.
Contact us today, we are able to carve any exclusive solid door and design exotic doors in any size! 082 577 6894 info@africarve.co.za
Family Crests and more…
Beautifully hand carved Family Crests and Signs carefully detailed to your specifications. Visit www.africarve.co.za/signs-murals/ to place your order!
Hindu Doors for you home or office…
Get your custom Hindu Carved Doors from us today, visit www.africarve.co.za to view our full range!
From Internal Home and Office doors to Custom designs to suit your needs…
Our doors are true works of art based on beautiful African Styles! www.africarve.co.za +27 39 311 2131 info@africarve.co.za
We can carve it all!
Looking for beautifully hand carved Church Benches, Pulpits, Altars or Bishop Chairs, we do it all to your specifications! View our website on: www.africarve.co.za +27 39 311 2131 info@africarve.co.za